All Analysis Tools

This page offers a view of all analysis tools, in lists that can be filtered to your specific interests. Before browsing tools for your study, it is important first to have a clear idea of what questions one would like to answer, and then consider how each of the following tools may help deepen the team’s understanding to answer these questions.It may be easier to find tools and resources through the following pages, organized around the program cycle:


Guidance Pages

These pages offer a starting point for those new to gender or analysis work and include:

Concepts and Frameworks

Analysis Planning and Design

  • Ethics: Key considerations that must be taken into account before and throughout analysis and programming with communities.
  • Planning and Design: A step-by-step roadmap on how to plan an analysis exercise.
  • Selection: What to consider in selecting who to talk to, when and where for analysis.


Tools Pages

These pages are organized between tools for organization review and development and tools for program quality:

Organizational Assessment

Tools for organization development comprise:

  • Training Teams: Tools used with staff to raise awareness and foster reflection on gender relations
  • Gender/Diversity Audit: Tools to assess how gender is considered within an organization

Program Quality

Tools for program quality are organized around the programmatic cycle to include:

  • Situational Analysis: Tools to understand the social, political, economic and environmental context of a given place.